Online Event
Event will be conducted in English
ADIL Academic Year 2025: Ulul 'Azmi (Lesson From The Arch-Prophets)
Stories of prophets are mentioned in various part of the Quran. As the Quran is a book of guidance, these stories should be reflected upon as it acts as a guide for us till the end of times. Among these prophets, there are those who showed extraordinary amount of patience and perseverance while facing God’s trials and tribulation in life.
These prophets are called the Ulul Azmi or Arch-Prophets. They are prophet Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa & Muhammad. This module will study the different trials faced by the arch-prophets, how they overcome the challenges, and how we can learn to apply its lesson in our daily lives living in the context Singapore.
In this 6 credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:
Nabi Nuh a.s
Nabi Ibrahim a.s
Nabi Musa a.s
Nabi Isa a.s
Nabi Muhammad ﷺ
Murabbi: Ustaz Md Safwan Ismani
Day/Date: Every Monday, 6, 13 & 20 Jan 2025 (3 Weeks)
Time: 7.45pm - 9.45pm
Online Via Zoom (Link and learning materials will be given through email)
Class will be conducted in English
Suitable for 20 years & above
Register now! Limited slots available! >>
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Day/Date: Every Monday, 6, 13 & 20 Jan 2025 (3 Weeks)
Time: 7.45pm - 9.45pm
Online Via Zoom (Link and learning materials will be given through email)
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